I need some help...... What are the pros and cons of having ducks??

i love my 5 call ducks. they are eye candy and entertaining......
but they can get messy near the water bowls and i have to clean those bowls out often (for my peace of mind, not because the ducks care). I'm grateful i do not have to make a choice between chickens and ducks.
and the ducks can get noisy, but I'm in the country and don't care and have never heard any complaints...
Right now I have 14 cons.... Drakes that have to go into the freezer (I am dragging my feet)

Cons. Too many drakes (my fault for getting non-sexed ducklings)
and want Lots of water that I have to now haul in winter
poop (but that is true of chickens too)

Pluses Eye candy- boy are they pretty and I think this counts for x2
Mallards fly- for me I love that they like to fly and again I think this is really pretty
They now chat at me- not too loudly and I really don't think anyone else can hear them I can barely hear them from the house.
... This one is under debate because of the dogs but when they free range they will eat the bugs
And of course eggs. Which I am looking forward to and am going to guess that if I don't Know anyone who wants them I can go after craigslist and find people who will jump for joy with duck eggs.
and frankly even though I have 14 drakes that need to go... I have someone who will buy at least 3 to eat and hopefully I will like duck meat so I am also putting this in the plus side.
Ducklings are so supper cute...

For me right now the pluses are more than the negatives. I am figuring that I am spending $4/day to feed 60 birds- 30 chickens and 30 ducks so right now it is expensive but as soon as they start putting the food on the table ie eggs and meat it won't feel so expensive.

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