I need some serious help Quickly!!! Silver Sebright


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
I have a silver sebright. She has been fine and laying for a little while. Now she has a huge mass coming out of her. It looks like intestine. what do I do???????? I know I've read something about this but I forget what it is and what to do
This is called a PROLAPSE (use that keyword in the SEARCH function here and you will find lots of informative threads on it)
A prolapse often occurs when a bird is attempting to lay an egg which does not want to come out or happens as it is coming out ... has the egg gotten out yet?
You will need to make up some sterile saline (boil 1/2 tsp salt in two quarts of water for five minutes and let cool to room temperature) >>> you will need to flush the prolapsed contents with this and keep it moist by gently applying ky gel (please get some if you do not have on hand...this is "sterile" and so the best to use on that which you are going to have to reinsert > please ensure your hands are washed and cleaned or use some of those disposable surgical gloves if you have on hand > I always use that antiseptic instant handcleaner even when I have those gloves on in such cases).
The main thing is that she will continue to prolapse until the egg is laid... if she has not laid the egg you can attempt to reinsert but in general this is a bit trickier situation as nothing can be resolved till the egg is laid. You can put her in a nice warm bath for 10 minutes and give her a crushed TUM (this is an emergency substitute for the calcium gluconate a vet would give her)...
Once the egg is laid if it does not re-enter then gently replace contents inside and use a bit of hemorroid ointment just around the inside rim of the cloaca (the "hole" for poo and where the egg comes out) to reduce inflammation and keep from prolapsing again. Keep her in a quiet dark room for a few days.
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There is no egg. She has been laying just fine (got one yesterday) It looks like an aweful lot coming out -Like intestine Do I still do the same as you suggest?
can you see the egg inside any of the prolapsed contents? If you like we can go to chatand I can help you further there...(I am going there now)
Go to the index page and it is at the top of the page. Good luck with you hen!
click on INDEX and you will see "CHAT" underlined...click on that and then click again on the list of people it shows in chat
ETA: the chat link is at the top of the page on the right hand side
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