I need suggestions!

Southern28chick, we live about 40 miles south of the Raleigh Flea Market, if you decide to try selling your soaps there again please let us from NC know so we can meet you and buy some of your wares, us chicken people have to stick together, and it would be nice to be able to talk chicken. LOL in your endevor.
Hi SouthernChick, I've always liked that picture of you. It's nice you have it on your website as a personal touch. I also like the picture of your product in a natural setting. You only have 2 products on Ebay! Can you put up some single packages, too? Definitely get a booth at some craft & farm markets. I was wondering, and this is a little different train of thought-since you do work at home & have to take care of the chickens & all, have you ever thought of beekeeping? It's pretty safe & not hard. You can sell your honey & use your own honey in your products.
Our local coffee shop sells handmade soaps and jewelry, as does a local wine shop. These kind of places might be good to look at too; especially if you tailored the product to the store. Around here, schools do a lot of fund raising with silent auctions. Maybe some items donated to local groups raising money would help spread product recognition.

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