I need the truth about chicken noise - ASAP

Also - chickens do not continually make noise. They do their happy 'I laid an egg' song and then they shut up and get about the business of eating!
Zoomia's reply was great. Check your lot size. You may be entitled to a few more birds if you have a big lot. I can see it now...your six+ birds singing the egg song in 6+ harmony.
Recently I just started to notice that my hens (one in particular) has been continuously noisy. They are all about 19 weeks old and the noisiest one looks to me like she could be a rooster (white leghorn with the fancy head gear), but I'm not sure. It's not a clucking sound nor does it sound like a rooster. It's hard to explain but its very loud. Sorta like the sound a crow makes. I have five in all and two or more of them will make that sound in the morning while pacing around the run as if to tell me to 'open the darn coop and let us out'.

What could be causing this behavior?
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Glad To hear you are going a head with your plans.
We have 17 chickens and my neighbors barely say anything and when they do I just say "sorry" What else can you say
. We do have neighbors that have no pets and have complained about my dog when she was treeing squirrels barking her fool head off. Yes that was annoying and she no longer barks at squirrels.

We learned along time ago that neighbors need to have some give and take ie: my pets make noise sometimes, but so do yours.
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I have not read the many replies to this thread. But I must be honest: I have a crappy, grump neighbor. And my four pullets are LOUD. Every morning. Alice especially. She lays an egg, and the whole neighborhood hears her song:

"Hellooooo!! I just laid an EEEEEEEGG!! It came out of my BUUUUTTTT!!! It is so lovely, come check it OOOOOUUUUUUTTT!!"

And it sounds about that annoying.

Now, most of my neighbors think that's cute. The depressed, sadist neighbor does not enjoy it. She'll deal if it's sung at 10 am. If Alice lays at 6 am, I get death threats.

I'm just being honest. The pullets are LOUD. And I only have four. It's a constant worry about when I'm going to be busted.

Do I think it's worth the risk? Absolutely. I do have back-ups to take my chickens if a battle ensues, which helps. But I also do a lot of bribes. Crazy neighbor likes the eggs. Hell, I was giving her eggs my chickens hadn't laid (when they were still young), just lying to her to appease her. But it worked. For now.

Good luck!!
I think they're loud enough to be annoying to a neighbor who already wants to be annoyed. Chances are, any time her dog barks, she'll think it is because of your chickens.

We have four and no one ever notices them, however. Our neighbors even come to visit them! At the last ball game, someone even came and asked if she could take pictures of them running about in our yard.

We have two dogs, our neighbors have two dogs and the people across the street have two dogs. That's a lab mix, beagle, Great Dane, rat terrier, Weimeraner and German shepherd mix who all ignore the chickens completely.

They were all curious at first, especially when we had the run against the fence. But they lost interest quickly. Unless the bird runs, it really isn't that interesting to most dogs. Mine don't. They sit in their tractor and if a dog barks at them, they stand up tall. They've pecked our dogs on the nose, and that killed their curiosity really quickly.

Your neighbor doesn't sound like the most cooperative type, but if she is willing, you could ask for permission to spray it with water. We got a cheap spray bottle of water and trained our dogs to not bark at the neighbors' dog pretty quickly by squirting them in the face when they started.
We also have neighbors who were not happy when we told them we were getting chickens, they even tried to see if they could stop us through City Hall. However we live in a small town with no ordinance against chickens (in fact we know of several people who also raise chickens in town). Well in order to keep our neighbors happy we put off getting chickens for a year and built a 6' high wooden fence around our back yard. We finially got 8 pullets back in May, They make minimal noise, even when laying eggs. Our neighbors are still not even aware that we have them yet.
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Get them absolutely! I have three near a neighbor's fence and have had no complaints. They make some noises but nothing that would disturb a person, really. It's your turn, anyway, it sounds like. Good Luck!
Thanks for this post! One of my 10 weeks old chicks has been honking and it confused me! Glad to know that they can do this!

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