I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
Go to YouTube and search “Respectful chicken Harvest part 1 of 2” (a Paul Wheaton film), and you’ll find my method for kulling chickens… Alternatively, if you live in an area with Amish or Quakers, they will fully process your chickens for about $2 each… Kulling is a part of any animal husbandry/care… I hope you can learn to do this for yourself. It will only make you a better person/caretaker… Good Luck, +Blessings
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
That's funny. Sorry, I'm laughing 'cause I had the same situation a few months going on. I, and the flock, couldn't stand all the rapin' anymore. Plus, I couldn't kill him.. I'm a complete wuss. Luckily, we have a petting zoo / educational farm a few miles away. So I grabbed him off his roost around 11:00 one night when he was snoozing. Through him in our doggy carrier in the back of the truck. Drove out the entrance and sat in the dark for 15 min and timed the avg time between cars driving by on the main road. Then I pulled him out and tossed him over the fence. We all have been sleeping great from then on.
Good luck!
Culling roosters is a part of keeping a healthy flock, and an aggressive rooster is a prime candidate for culling and replacement with a more human-tolerant candidate. Culled roosters, especially younger ones, are better than anything from the supermarket.

Roosters make up +/-50% of our hatches which means we'd have a seriously unbalanced flock in short order without selling or culling the roos. Our hens contribute to our breakfasts. Our roosters are committed to our lunches and dinners.

My wife loves hatching chicks and I spend most of my spare time building coops, brooders and chicken tractors. We've sold maybe four mature roosters in the last three years and all were spectacular birds. One Ayam Cemani, gorgeous iridescent black, a guy buying some chicks offered $125 for him. The other three were very colorful EE mixes that went for $10 or as "throw-ins" for people who were buying a larger number of POL pullets.

Other than that, most of our cockerels are converted to meat when they fill out a bit; big enough to serve three means it's time.
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
This is hard, but be careful about giving him away to an "eager stranger." I hate to say it, but illegal cock fighting still happens.
Throwing a snake or animal against a wall? OMG. Why don't you just take them somewhere else and let them go. Very cruel language. Why don't you do a little reading and see how to assert dominance over your rooster. Check around and find a home for him with local rescues. Do a little homework besides just killing him. cruel.
To the folks still suggesting what to do with Johnny: please learn to read.


Rant over.
:hugs, if you want, we can edit the title of your thread to something like
Problem solved, roosted culled - was "I need to kill my roo and i cant do it"
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
I have not tried the following method to tame an aggressive rooster but I found it a real possibility since animals have authority structures.

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