I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
There is no need to kill him. He's just doing his job. My roo attacked me once. Accidentally I slapped him out of reflex. We get along fine now.
Why kill for the sake of it?? Some people just can’t do it.. for one reason or another

I could never kill one of my boys I would find a way to make it work... to teach him train him and if that didn’t work I would still find away to be able to keep him... I couldn’t kill I don’t have that in me...

What happened to the saying
Where’s theres a will there’s a way?

everyone is entitled to there opinion and basically being told I’m wrong to have the views I have is disgraceful...
With the lack of availability as well as the ridiculous rise in price for ammo... why in the world would you waste any ammunition on a chicken?
I really don't consider it a waste at all. What else am I supposed to use it for? .22 ammo does me no good just sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Bullets aren't for decoration.
I'm using it how I think should be used, humanely dispatching an animal.

You can use yours however you'd like.
I just release them in an uninhabited rural area at least 5 miles away. Let them fend for themselves or become prey to other predators.

I hope you're joking because if you are not that is incredibly bad animal stewardship as well as being deeply inconsiderate to the people who live where you dump birds.
If you raise chickens or any other animals, from rabbits to cows, you must learn to kill them when it becomes necessary, as when they are hurt or sick beyond recovery or, as in your case, they become dangerous. It's not fun, it may sicken you if the animal you have to put out of its misery is more like a pet than a barnyard animal, but life is not always pleasant, especially in the presence of death.
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
I had 2 roosters like that who would attack us as we walked out the door in the morning. Talons right for the face. I kept a broom by the door and eventually, after being hit enough in mid air, they learned not to do it and stopped. I was able to find them each their own farm and they were happy. Best of luck

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