I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

If you can smash Rats for your snake to eat, you can certainly handle killing the rooster. Do it quick and be done.
i think op means more like how to deal with the guilt and everything. im in ffa and at the end of the year all the pigs lambs goats and cows are sent to slaughter, only the chickens and rabbits aren't. i always see the freshmen to seniors cry when they load their animals onto the slaughter truck. seeing them cry is always painful even though I have to part in it. its about emotional attachment as well, dont spend time with meat hens and its easy to cut their heads off. spend time and play with them until they are slaughter weight then its a lot harder to do
My personal level of tolerance is quick "bites" only, and only once per meeting. If they hold or hold and kick or worst of all, jump at a person, they do not get another chance.

I will never put up with another terror of a rooster. Too many better ones and enough projects that if one is on hold for a year, it won't kill me.

Butchering is also far more responsible than rehoming. It is just irresponsible to rehome an aggressive rooster.

At the end of the day, aggressive roosters dig their own holes.

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