I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

I know Johnnys no more, but had to pipe in for all the give-him-a-chancers still posting.
We just had to do the deed (non mercy) for the first time a day or two ago, thank god my husband was willing to do it. I hated just passing the sentence, but I still have bruises and scabs on my thigh from two weeks ago. The thought of what that strike would have done if it had landed on my 3 year old son instead of me... just...no.
There can be no second chances with roosters when kids are involved.
...and he was a rescue that some "soft hearted" individual had dumped instead of doing the right thing to begin with.
He was a perfect gentleman for a few months before he violated the A-hole clause.
A quick clean death after being well cared for is a lot more than many chickens get. I am appalled by the number of people on this forum that advocate dumping. I mean, you're here BECAUSE you care and want to learn more, right? Dumping any domestic animal is unconscionable. Leaving an animal to starve to death, be hit by a car, or ripped apart by some wild animal... why would that even cross your mind as an acceptable alternative?

...ok, rant over
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
Pls don't kill him just rehome him if u can't able to settle with him or he's not able to adjust
My rooster Angry Johnny is so mean I can no longer go outside to be with my birds or garden with out him running up on me and attacking or just straight up looking at me, ruffling his feathers and then charging me.
I just can't bring myself to actually physically hurt him. I feel bad wen I have to hit him with my be good stick. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions?
I was worried about that when we got our chicks, in case one turned out to be a rooster. The lady at the stockyard said, Honey, you live in the country now. Your neighbors will eat your rooster. Put a sign up at the local store!
That's funny. Sorry, I'm laughing 'cause I had the same situation a few months going on. I, and the flock, couldn't stand all the rapin' anymore. Plus, I couldn't kill him.. I'm a complete wuss. Luckily, we have a petting zoo / educational farm a few miles away. So I grabbed him off his roost around 11:00 one night when he was snoozing. Through him in our doggy carrier in the back of the truck. Drove out the entrance and sat in the dark for 15 min and timed the avg time between cars driving by on the main road. Then I pulled him out and tossed him over the fence. We all have been sleeping great from then on.
Good luck!
I can't even believe this :lau
He was not odd behavior. He was angry violent and not just attacking me who raised him from a hatchling, but they were always loved on and hand fed. There was just something not nice about him and I have 2 small 10 yr old twin nephew's who were terrified to go outside cause he attacked them. I wouldn't feel safe trying to pass him off to someone else without full disclosure and trust me I did try to rehome him. Not all roos are nice. My big bird and Goldie (was) super sweet and still let us touch them and be outside without attacking. They say it's a responsibility of owning chickens. Trust me, I'm not an animal killer and I cry whenever I've had to bury one of my chickens. But this guy was just not right.
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Unfortunately there are too many Roosters in the world to be able to keep them all.
It's often near impossible to re home a rooster.
Killing is often the only option. Obviously some people loose their patience and just dump which you could argue is 'more humane', it certainly is NOT.

Millions of roosters are killed at hatcheries all around the world on a daily basis so 1 humble pet rooster is neither here nor there on the grand scheme of things.

Also, to the helpful people still responding to this thread, THE BIRD HAS BEEN KILLED ALREADY. 👍
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