I NEED to KNOW ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about COCHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10 Years
Oct 15, 2009
southeastern ohio
ok. i am making a cochin coop in the spring.its going to be made out of wood pallets. there will be indoor and outdoor pens. the outdoor pens with have wire buried very far into the ground so now predators will dig under to get to them and it will also have wire over the top so now flying predators will get it. my and poppy(step grandpa) know exactually how we are going to build it. it will be for bantams and standards.

i plan to hatch,raise,breed and sell good quaility cochins. but i dont know a whole lot about them
. PLEASE HELP ME OUT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. wether it be information,pictures, different color varietys, how much would be a good price to sell them for,whats the standard for the colors, ect,ect. i know almost nothing about them except there very pretty.




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Merry Christmas to You, Cole!

Hate to rain on your Christmas parade, but you need to do a lot of online research, rather than expect someone to spend a couple ofyears posting a Guide to Cochins. Also look to the local library and feed stores for guides- a $10.00 book can be a lifesaver! What I'm saying is that you need to do a lot of the work yourself, rather than hope a zillion people will have all the answers.

Do a search here, top right, on Cochins, and read, read read! Great way to pass the cold winter days and nights, and lots of information is in there. I have had Cochins and love them. They are usually good-natured and pretty, but to keep them in top condition takes some care.

By spring you will be a Cochin expert!

Well, I don't show 'em (so I know very little about the show points of a good Cochin), but I have had bantam Cochins for several years. I really like their personalities. Most of them have been very low-keyed, docile birds, but there have been a few roosters that have been pains in the kneecap! Actually, after a few attacks (and getting kicked for it,) they usually became a bit more respectful. Even the cranky ones haven't been horrid. They are seasonal layers, so I get most of the eggs from them in the Spring, though a few will continue to lay through the warmer months and even in the Winter with supplimental lighting. Some of my hens go broody at the drop of a hat, and they are excellent mothers. Of the chickens that I have now, they are hands-down my favorite breed!
ok. well i took your advice and went to search for some cochin info in the search thing up top there and i couldnt find anything. does anybody have any links.
Good luck with your knowledge hunt

I good place to go is www.cochinsrule.com and from there is a link to cochins international. Also, there is a european website dedicated to pekins (common name for cochins in the UK, not quite cochins but very, very similar-small physical differences and many more varieties) - I can't quite remember the name of the website, but if I find/remember it I'll come back and add it.

Cochins are great for beginners, and there are many good breeders out there who are very friendly. Some links to breeders are on the cochins rule website, but there are many more who aren't listed. FYI- Some rarer colors that you won't be able to find in good quality are gold laced bantams, red bantams, buff bantams, wheaten bantams, columbian/buff columbian bantams (there are a few breeders such as Jamie Matts and Tom Roebuck who deal with these varieties and they have pretty nice birds) and partridge bantams. There are definitely breeders out there who have good birds of these varieties, but they are few and far between.

*I only deal with bantam cochins, don't know a whole lot of info on the standards.

I've been working with bantam cochins for a while, so if you have any questions feel free to e-mail/PM me
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