I need to know the breed of a rooster and two hens? Please Help!!!!!

Wow what gorgeous birds. Truly good birds.

At the major poultry shows, like the Columbus Ohio National going on today, there are almost always sellers of extra birds. Those shows are almost always the easiest way, frankly. In spring, some folks will sell eggs (I don't personally like shipping eggs) and some will ship 5 week old brooded chicks, straight run of course.

Hang around the Good Shepherd Heritage Barred Rock thread and you'll see the names and begin to connect the dots.
The Heritage Large Fowl thread is also a good thread to "meet" most the top folks in Barred Rocks or see the mention of others. Each state usually maintains a breeders club and the addresses and contact information for the breeds of the club. This is all pretty much word of mouth kind of thing.

Meanwhile, again, you have gorgeous birds.

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