I need to know...


10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
Lugoff, SC
I came home today w/ 4 Ameracaunas from the local F&S (knowing I would) and have them in a separate brooder from my 3 week old flock. Should these brooders be in different spaces/rooms? They are currently 3 feet apart...bad idea? I have never really understood quarantine procedure and practice much less have any experience w/ it. What is the proper way to do it? Thanks for the info!!
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Ideally, a quarantine period would keep the birds far enough away from each other that they would not share air - in case of airborne disease-carrying germs.

I personally worry less about quarantine when they're really young. Are your Ameracaunas grown or baby chicks?

But technically, to be safe, you should quarantine any new chicken for 30-60 days.

So yes, separate rooms is a really good idea, and you need to wear different clothes when you deal with them so that you don't inadvertently spread germs between them yourself.
I thought so...now I have to find some more chick space in the house!

It has to be catproof and mom-approved...

I know! My SON'S room!!!

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Last year I got chicks over a three week period and from three different feed stores. I put them all together in the same brooder. No problems. I have read on many threads here on BYC that you don't need to quarantine young chicks. I am getting more chicks this year from at least 3 different sources. They will be from a local breeder and 2 feed stores. I don't plan to isolate any of them. I am going to build a new brooder large enough for all of them to share. (probably next weekend's project.)
At this age, I probably would not quarantine them either. Ideally, yes...but will you really change clothes between handling? If not, you'll be transferring any germs anyways. And at 3 weeks, it would be easier to integrate your flock than at say, 10 weeks old. Connect a couple of LARGE rubbermaid totes, or use some chicken wire and 2x4's to build a brooder in a secure part of your house or coop. You'll soon want a lid on the brooder...they start flying out really quick. And the lid will "help" keep the dust down (a plus if your brooder remains in your house for any length of time:p) Good luck with your fuzzy butts!
Whew!! I feel better knowing that quarantining younger chicks isn't as critical as w/ older birds. I moved the 4 ameracaunas to my son's room (he asked for them to begin with) and they are doing well. I do not plan on changing clothes, but I will also get another person to check on the" new 4", so germ spread will be minimal at most. My son can use this as a great experiment in ...what's the word?...oh, yeah - responsibility!! He should do just fine as he has been a very good son to this point (almost 14 y/o

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