I only have 3 hens.


7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
I want 3 more - total of 6!
My better half refuses to let me get 3 more!!!
I take care of them! They are mine!

I am just going to do it. Anyone have any suggestions to sway him?!
Could you tell him that you live in the land of the free? Free chickens now, free more tomorrow.
You really let your husband tell you what you can and can't do?!

Do what you want to do and if he is not happy that is tough on him.
Just out of curiosity why do you want 3 more? Will it make more work for him?
I want a slightly larger flock. That is all. I also want the experience - raising babies. I got my hens at 10 months old.

He does nothing for them. I take care of the chickens and horses!
After being on this forum for a while, I've noticed that there is, more often that not, one significant other in the relationship that is against the chickens. How nice would it be to have your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend wanting the same thing? I could be something to share and talk about.

Your better half is not your father. I'm sure you are paying your own way. I say get 3 more chickens.

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