I promise... *A warrior cat RP*



Free Ranging
Jul 24, 2018
In the coop, Northern CA
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A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.
B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.
C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.
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"Do you promise? Do you promise you will always follow the warrior code, stay true to your clan, be helpful to all cats, and never, ever, ever intentionally seriously wound a cat?"
"Of course."
"You are on a path to greatness little one..."

As Grasskit grew up, she always remembered this conversation. She hung out with her sister, Rainkit(Reserved for ME!!!!) until they were apprentices. Then, when Rainkit became a Medicine Cat, she started hanging out with Waterpaw. He was a kind tom with lot's of loyalty.

This is where we start of. We need somebody for Grasspaw and Waterpaw. We also need mentors, a leader, a deputy, and a med. cat. Anyone can be anything else...

Physical description-
Fun Facts-

Seedclan- LIve in a forest, Loyal, feisty in war, ALL CATS ARE IN THIS CLAN(!!!!)
Rockclan- Live on side of mountain, rule breakers, rude, standofish
Dirtclan- Live in desert, messy, eat lizards, secretive, unknown mainly, newest clan
Snowclan- Live on peak of mountain, almost always white cats, hunt birds, kind, friendly, gentle, clean

These cats live around a lake with mountain/hill on one side, a forest on the other, and a desert moor on another side. To the west a river trickles down a stream into a marsh with 5 large stones. That's were the med. cats meet every half-moon. There are also logs leading into an island in the middle of the lake, where the cats meet every full moon.
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Age-25 moons
Physical description-Thin ginger striped w/leafy green eyes and thick fluffy fur
Personality-kind and sweet, can have a temper, loving
Fun Facts-
Excellent fighter
winter hunter
mate Ravenwing
mother is Pheonixheart, father is Featherpool (deceased)
Age-25 moons
Physical description-Thin ginger striped w/leafy green eyes and thick fluffy fur
Personality-kind and sweet, can have a temper, loving
Fun Facts-
Excellent fighter
winter hunter
mate Ravenwing
mother is Pheonixheart, father is Featherpool (deceased)

all good!
I like just joined a different role play, so I might not make many characters.
Name- Jadeheart (this is her original form)
Rank- warrior
Age- 24 moons
Gender- female
Physical description- lithe medium grey mackerel tabby with the most beautiful brilliant green eyes you have ever seen, hence the name.
I say grey instead of blue, because some cats are more of a blue-grey, and some are a grey-grey. Jadeheart is very grey.
She has dark grey stipes, not black stripes.
She has white paws.
Personality- kind and playful. Not a great fighter, but she wouldn't have the heart to fight another cat anyways. Good at hunting though.
Fun Facts-
Could have a mate
Age-15 moons
Physical description- Light silver tabby with blue-gray marking on tail, feet, muzzle, ears w/ sky blue eyes
Personality- Fun, Loving, Adorable all the time
Fun Facts-
no mate
Emberfeather's and Lunaclaw's younger sister
raised two foster kits, Icepaw, Flamepaw (after Emberfeather)
Age- 36 moons
Physical description-Black with grey spots w/ ice blue eyes
Personality- Loving, smart, technical, humble, literal
Fun Facts-
no mate
helped raise her sisters
name changes from Shadepaw to Lunaclaw
good hunter and fighter
Name- Auburnleaf
Rank- warrior
Age- 48 moons
Gender- female
Physical description- solid blue she-cat with large almond shaped copper eyes.
If you've never seen an orange eyed cat you've been missing out.
Medium length fur. Not an extremely slender build, but has long graceful legs
Personality- quiet, but kind. Motherly.
Fun Facts- Waterpaw's mother

Wait, if she is a medicine cat, why is Rainkit still a kit?

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