I put 40 feeder fish in their pond....UPDATE-One survived!!!!!


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
Now that's fun to watch. It's really funny when there's only one left and they are struggling to catch it.

UPDATE-Yesterday afternoon there was one rather large orange and white goldfish still swimming around in the pond. I felt so sorry for it yet was amazed at it's survival instinct that I plucked it out of the pond, put it in a fishbowl and bought goldfish food. It survived 2 1/2 days and thru 10 ducks. It deserves a second chance. Now I need an appropriate name. Suggestions?
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I think it's funny when the dark colored ones hide at the bottom and the ducks can't see them through the dirty water they created. It's great fun to watch the duck scoop up those little fishies.
Got twenty five.

In less than ten seconds there was nothing but a couple shiny scales floating to the bottom of their bowl.

I kind of feel bad for the fish, but it's how 'life' works supposedly.
Got twenty five.

In less than ten seconds there was nothing but a couple shiny scales floating to the bottom of their bowl.

I kind of feel bad for the fish, but it's how 'life' works supposedly.
You just go to the pet store and get a bag of feeder goldfish. They are usually around 10¢ each.

I think it's funny when the dark colored ones hide at the bottom and the ducks can't see them through the dirty water they created.

That is how I ended up with a 6" long "koi" fish! LOL

That was one quick, smart feeder fish. He has been living in the pond since February. We named him Moby
haha last year I put 2 small goldfish in my grandmas small garden pond. I was giving my tank away and we didnt think that they would last long. they are now 6inches+ and there are tons of babies. They gave 50 away last year and it made barely a dent in their population.

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