I really need some fast advice on this stuff!

I hope you all don't mind my hijacking this thread for a moment, but I have some eggs that are on day 6. Yeah, my first time incubating and I'm trying to stagger hatch. It's crazy, I know. Anyway, I know that an egg candling absolutely clear is infertile, but I have four eggs on day six that I can see the yolk floating around, I can see the air sack, but I don't see any signs of life. No bacterial ring, just no eye or veins. Are those eggs infertile, quitters, or just seriously running behind?
And 3goodeggs, you are probably stressing for nothing! I thought, "There's no way I am competent enough to do this!" Then I started doing it, candled the first time, and realized...This isn't so hard after all!!! If I can do it, anyone can!
I usually leave them if they don't stink, but you can remove if you don't trust it. I have never had one exploded on me, and I'm 99.9% sure if I ever do, I will never leave another egg sit in there.
I'm just so intensely impatient! I gotta know! I gotta know! I gotta know! lol
I'm going to leave them in there until day 10 and take a look again. I have those separated now in the incubator so I know which they are.
Thanks, guys!

That's what I do, hang in there.
I'm excited! This is the last day before lockdown!
I do have my concerns, though. The first egg seems to be doing fine but I'm a little worried about the second one. It's really dark at one end and the big end is still somewhat lighter if you turn the egg on the right side. I can see the air bubble where it's supposed to be, but right under it I can see veins and oddly shaped dark areas. I assume the dark areas are parts of the chick because they move when I candle the egg. Should I be worried about the chick? Could it have maybe formed upside down? If there is something wrong, is there anything I can or should do after it hopefully hatches?
NO, you should be fine. Good Luck. Mine are pipping they are due to hatch tomorrow. We can celebrate together.
With luck this what will happen.....

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