I really need some fast advice on this stuff!

I can still see veins in the egg, but, upon closer inspection, I don't think its a place where it was pipping. I think the egg broke and some of the shell happened to fall away. There is a rip in the membrane but I don't see a beak, so I assume it was from a shell peice. Theres still no sound or movement, so I'll give it a few more days of incubating and high humidity, and if it doesn't hatch I guess the fall killed it.

Here is a picture of the damages. You can't see it, but there are a lot of cracks all over the egg. I raised the humidity to the right amount, so I can't see the veins anymore. The shell ripped a hole in the membrane and I haven't seen anything moving in it.
If its due to hatch I would carefully start pealing away the shell and if you dont see any viens and theres no bleeding you can peal more membrain away maybe in the morning gve it tonight to warm up and see if it tries on it own. Im so ssorry for your acciendent , I hope eveything goes as well as it can , Hows the other chick?

Here is a picture of the damages. You can't see it, but there are a lot of cracks all over the egg. I raised the humidity to the right amount, so I can't see the veins anymore. The shell ripped a hole in the membrane and I haven't seen anything moving in it.
So sorry about your accident!!
Seems like you can see into it well. I would just give it a while Watch for movement There is so much shell gone i am sure you can see if it moves
The fall or lack of heat could have killed it or with the membrane exposed could shrink wrap but who knows? Looks like thats the big end. of the shell YES Guess you coud try to put a small hole in the membrane like pick a tiny piece out with a tweezers TINY and If you touch the membrane it shoud move some what if its alive SHOULD but not 100% sure Maybe 90%. .
They do try to zip for a while and then stop when hatching .They dont hatch all at once. Its a tiring process.He may be resting and warming up.GOOD LUCK!!
Even If the egg doesn't go well, at least I still have the chick. I think she got a little banged up in the fall because she still can't walk yet, but she tries her hardest. She's so tiny, and until this afternoon she's just hanging out in the incubator, waiting on her buddy.
The fall & getting cold may have damaged your little baby's legs. Keep a close eye on it to make sure it gets up & moving. It really needs to be getting food & water on it's own by the time it's 48 hours old. Most do not survive if they aren't. As for the cracked egg, peel just a little of the white membrane back & peek inside. If it's still alive you will be able to see movement. If the membrane is pulled tight against the baby & looks stretched you will want to moisten it with warm water. If it's slightly loose & moves easily when the baby moves you are fine.
I looked inside, and I can see the little developed baby. Its got all its wet fuzz and everything. The membrane is very tight around it so I put some warm water on it and put it back in the incubator.
If it dosnt make some progress in a couple hours and its past day 22 or so and you see no viens when you look at the membrain I would help it out if its shrink wrapped it might not beable to get out even if you moisten it up some. Good luck
If you don't actually see the baby moving gently touch it & see if it moves in response. If the membrane is very tight it will move very little. If it is moist it will move quite a bit. If you see blood vessels in the membrane once you dampen it then baby isn't ready. You can try to gently slit the membrane over it's beak if it's visible to allow it to breathe. Use a needle or safety pin. If you see any blood at all STOP! Baby isn't ready. If there's no blood you can gradually chip away more shell & loosen more membrane with the needle/safety pin. Once baby's head is out it should be able to kick itself loose as long as the membrane stays moist. If it can't kick loose on it's own it likely isn't strong enuf to survive.

Good luck. If you can post more pix it will be easier to advise how to procede.
I looked inside, and I can see the little developed baby. Its got all its wet fuzz and everything. The membrane is very tight around it so I put some warm water on it and put it back in the incubator.

So very sorry you're havin' to go through such difficulties, but knowing *exactly* when you started to incubate will help these good folks offer their best advice as to what should be done ...

... you were still expecting the eggs to arrive 23 days ago, but posted that you "...started tuning them today..." 20 days ago (the afternoon of November 23rd). Hopefully, this will help you recall: What is the exact day you placed them in the incubator?
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