I really need to rehome!!!


10 Years
May 18, 2009
South-Eastern Michigan, USA
I have two extra runner drakes that really need new homes. I only have 3 females (2 of which are calls) and currently 4 drakes (3 runners, 1 call).
The drakes are starting to become territorial and I'm worried about my females. I haven't seen them being aggressive toward the females yet -- only the other drakes.

One is a gray drake and the other is pure white. Both are really nice ducks, they just need their own girls.
Please PM me if interested!

Also, does anyone own any blue runners? I'd really like to get some females for the one male I'm keeping!
How funny, I have excess hens in Gray and White both! If I don't sell some, I am going to have 4-5 hens per drake this year. Last year, for whatever reason, I got far more hens than drakes. I was looking at my regular Mallards as well that were hatched last year and *every* single one of the ones that I kept are hens. Granted, I have some older drakes to pair them with, but it is odd. Where are you located? If anyone is interested in your drakes (I might be actually), I would also be willing to sell 1-2 Gray hens and 1 single White hen, but I don't want to hijack your thread.

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