I Really Want A Chickie!!!! *cries*

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Maybe, if you spent extra time on studying and getting better grades then your mom couldnt use the excuse.
I think what bothers me is that you keep saying over and over you want A chickie. With all your research, you should know you have to have at least 2 or 3 chicks. One lone chick gets really stressed out and lonely. You keep talking about wanting a cute chick, but they grow really fast and lose that super cuteness within a week or 2. I'm not convinced you're prepared for the long haul of owning a chicken for several years.

The biggest expense for chickens is usually the coop. To show your parents you're serious, get some free pallets and start building. I know I'd be impressed if one of my kids took on a project like that. It would show me they were serious about their desire and willing to work hard towards their goal. If your parents relent and allow chickens, you'll need a coop for them anyway. They outgrow their brooder in a month or 2, so a smart person will get the coop built first anyway.

Also, don't let your grades slip at all. Study hard and bring them up as high as you can to prove to your parents that you can handle school and extra activities. Academics are the #1 priority in my house and as long as my kids are getting good grades, they can participate in after-school activities and hobbies.

Good luck.
RUDE AND WRONG! Chickens are always cute! Infact, Me and others I know, favor adults MORE than chicks for these reasons:

1. Calmer
2. Smarter
3. Eggs
4. With a roo, they'll raise their own chickies
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I didn't find southernbelle to be rude at all. Everyone has given Birdie great advice and s/he should take it to heart, figure out what will work for her situation and then let this thread go.

If my personal kids harped on and on about getting a bird like this, the answer would be a permanent "no". I expect action and proof of commitment before they can proceed. No offense to Birdie, but middle school kids can be fickle and their interests can change from one day to the next. Her mom might be worried that she will get the chickens and then they will end up her responsibility.

Remember there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between.
Should be prefaced with "IMO" since in your opinion it's incorrect, but to many others, it is very accurate and correct.

Chicks are super cute till like 8 weeks, then they're hideous, once they get over the weird looking bit, they are very beautiful as adults. I don't think I have a single adult bird I'd label as "cute" but I do find them all to be lovely to look at, mostly graceful, and beautiful. That is my personal opinion.
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