I relocated my coop and my girls stopped laying...


9 Years
Apr 8, 2010
So about 6 weeks ago i relocated my coop and my hens stopped laying. I have no idea why. I generally let them out in the late afternoon until it gets dark so I doubt they are laying in the garden.

Any ideas?

Hens do get upset if you change things up on them, but six weeks is kind of extreme.....are you sure they aren't laying their eggs in a secret place? Look around........
not molting anymore and muhc more daylight than before in their old location. I'll go on a hunt right now.
I really don't think they are laying anywhere in the garden. Yhe couple of hours they are out and about they are always on the move. I just think they have gone on strike.
My hens mostly lay in their nest boxes. I let them out a lot, and then they start laying in other locations. Under the barn, in the grass, in bushes.
Well they are annoying me. I'm gonna give them 2 more weeks to get on the darn program!
How old are they?
I would try keeping them locked up for a week.
I have to do that occasionally to get them to lay only in the nest boxes.
I bet I have eggs in the neighbor's bushes.

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