I SAID HELP!:) what breed is this guy?


10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
:/He just showed up on our property and worked his way into the group. He is number 4 out 4 on the rooster roster and number 2 bantam. He is flighty, skiddish but not mean at all to me or the girls.

Our guess:
Dorking (But our guy dosen't have five toes)
Silver Penciled Plymouth
Phoenix (My best guess) Can anyone give me a list of distinct features of a Silver Phoenix. It looks like the voting is going that way. All try and post a better head shot.

If you notice his comb is got some dark spots(blood). He didn't like the fact we were taking pictures of him and ran into the chicken wire several times before he gave up and exited through the open door we had for him. This is where he ended up in the Barn bathroom on top of the cupboards and water heater.

BTW: how do I get a chick pic next to my post??

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I'm only getting one pic and that's of it's feet...
Thanks for everyones replys and help. Now what to do with him?

Should we get some hens or would he cross with others ok? suggestions?
Personally I would round him up some phoenix hens. It all depends on what you want out of your birds. Phoenix are pretty much totally ornamental and arent the best egg layers. His tail can get to over 3 feet long and they require a clean living space and a little more care.

I am not a fan of cross breeding chickens unless you are doing it stratigically to create a bird with certain feathering or egg laying characteristics. If you are doing it for ornamental reasons you would certainly have a good start with a Phoenix. I would still keep them as pure as possible...just my two cents.

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