I scared my chickens

Lol! You made me laugh! Well as long as I know I haven’t caused permanent trauma in them we should be fine. What a bunch of spoiled birds I have!
Whenever I show my face outside, the chickens run to the fence line. My dog, Penny, loves to run up to the fence and bark at them. they all scatter like they are afraid, but two minutes later, they are back at the fence. Then Penny charges them again. I think it is a game they play. They will do it over and over.
The coop area is in the middle of the run. It’s pretty safe. I have a dogs that let me know what’s going on. Do you think they will go in when it gets dark with out me? What if they don’t? I am in over my head.

If it’s a secure area you can just go out a little after dark and they’ll most likely already be up on the roost. Mine are. the sun has been setting around 7:20 and I went out there around 7:50 and they were already in the coop up on the roost. I was sitting on the back porch swing when they all made one final run around the enclosed and covered chicken yard and then all filed into the coop and up on the roost.That was about 7:45 the sun had just completely set with just a sliver of light in the sky. So yeah. Give them some time and they’ll go in on their own.

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