I see beaks.. help.


In the Brooder
May 3, 2017
Hello so this is our first hatch. Today is day 28 I think. Mama duck has been sitting on her nest very well. Last night she pushed on egg out of the nest and after 3-4 hours it was still out.. so I put it in the incubator. A few hours later I go to check and she had pushed another egg out so I incubated that one. This morning I go out and there is one cute fuzzy little duck giving mama cuttles. As of this afternoon she seemed to have barried 4-5 eggs way under her nest of pine shavings. Should I remove the eggs left or let nature run its course?
I should add that about 2 weeks ago she was out and at some point hurt her leg bad. She is limping if she walks at all.. so she hasn't been swimming or out of the stall where she laid the eggs.,
Help.. lol
Hello so this is our first hatch. Today is day 28 I think. Mama duck has been sitting on her nest very well. Last night she pushed on egg out of the nest and after 3-4 hours it was still out.. so I put it in the incubator. A few hours later I go to check and she had pushed another egg out so I incubated that one. This morning I go out and there is one cute fuzzy little duck giving mama cuttles. As of this afternoon she seemed to have barried 4-5 eggs way under her nest of pine shavings. Should I remove the eggs left or let nature run its course?
I should add that about 2 weeks ago she was out and at some point hurt her leg bad. She is limping if she walks at all.. so she hasn't been swimming or out of the stall where she laid the eggs.,
Help.. lol
@FLFarmMama Have you been putting food and water close enough she can eat or drink? Make sure what you use now for her the ducklings can't get into and drown. I use to different waterers mamas goes up high enough the ducklings can't get to it then another for the ducklings.
That is a precious pic I'd leave the other eggs if they are under her there is still time for them to hatch they don't all just pop out on day 28 lol It can take til lday 30 even.

Do you know how she hurt her leg what is wrong with it? Injured like a wound did you do anything to treat it.
   Have you been putting food and water close enough she can eat or drink?  Make sure what you use now for her the ducklings can't get into and drown.  I use to different waterers mamas goes up high enough the ducklings can't get to it then another for the ducklings. 
That is a precious pic I'd leave the other eggs if they are under her there is still time for them to hatch they don't all just pop out on day 28 lol  It can take til lday 30 even.

Do you know how she hurt her leg what is wrong with it? Injured like a wound did you do anything to treat it.

I think maybe a mini donkey got to close to her nest? And he might have pawed her. There is no cut from what I can see and I don't know that for sure it was the donkey. But we did lock them in a stall with food and water with a kiddie pool to swim in but she hasn't gone in as far as I can tell the eggs have not been getting water either. She had about 16 eggs in there and I can only see 10 now. Hope for more happy healthy babies!
I think maybe a mini donkey got to close to her nest? And he might have pawed her. There is no cut from what I can see and I don't know that for sure it was the donkey. But we did lock them in a stall with food and water with a kiddie pool to swim in but she hasn't gone in as far as I can tell the eggs have not been getting water either. She had about 16 eggs in there and I can only see 10 now. Hope for more happy healthy babies!
I hope more hatch. And I hope mama can get up and care for them.

Here is what I use to keep ducklings safe with water for drinking.
One up on bricks for mom the other down on the floor for ducklings.
I hope more hatch. And I hope mama can get up and care for them. Here is what I use to keep ducklings safe with water for drinking.
One up on bricks for mom the other down on the floor for ducklings.
If I need to can I add eggs that have started to crack to the incubator? She seems to only be paying attention to the chick. When should baby start eating and drinking??" It hasn't left the nest yet..
If I need to can I add eggs that have started to crack to the incubator? She seems to only be paying attention to the chick. When should baby start eating and drinking??" It hasn't left the nest yet..
usually the day after hatch mom will show the babies where food and water is. They live on the absorbed yolk sac for a few days so it can go at least 2 days before it needs to eat.
We have lots of raccoons and coyotes and a hawk that lives in the pasture area.. and with mamas hurt leg I think I might remove them all... thoughts? We only have 2 female ducks left from 6 ducks a year ago..
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