I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Did I miss something here? How do you get 36 (6.6" x 6.5") pieces out of a yard?

On the length (36 divided by 6.5) you can get five rows.

Most of the fabric that I get is 42 or 43 inches wide. So (42 divided by 6.5) is 6 blocks per row.

5 times 6 is 30!

In order to get 36 (six per row and 6 rows) you would need 39 inches of fabric, so you would need to buy 1 1/8 yd. Right?
Ladybugs!!!!!! Arrggg!!!!! Ladybugs bite!! Or at least some of these southern ones do, I think its the orange ones.....and when they bite...they hurt!! So you can keep all your lady bugs for yourself
I've got a little "swarm" of ladybugs in the corner of my living room. They come in every fall and leave again in the spring. They don't go no where, but that corner. It's interesting. My Aunt used to have her house invested with them but she lived right next to a lovely hayfield on the edge of some marshland. They just love those areas.
#1California Chick :

Did I miss something here? How do you get 36 (6.6" x 6.5") pieces out of a yard?

On the length (36 divided by 6.5) you can get five rows.

Most of the fabric that I get is 42 or 43 inches wide. So (42 divided by 6.5) is 6 blocks per row.

5 times 6 is 30!

In order to get 36 (six per row and 6 rows) you would need 39 inches of fabric, so you would need to buy 1 1/8 yd. Right?

I agree.​
#1California Chick :

Did I miss something here? How do you get 36 (6.6" x 6.5") pieces out of a yard?

On the length (36 divided by 6.5) you can get five rows.

Most of the fabric that I get is 42 or 43 inches wide. So (42 divided by 6.5) is 6 blocks per row.

5 times 6 is 30!

In order to get 36 (six per row and 6 rows) you would need 39 inches of fabric, so you would need to buy 1 1/8 yd. Right?

You know what.....I think you are right. It's been a long time since I actually cut square. Been doing lots of strip work lately.

Ok guys I will get at least 30 out of a yard of fabric. I've dropped the number of slots back down to 30. Thanks Calif.! Would you like to join the list?​
Yes, I would like to join the list! Not sure what I am going to add. Hope to hit some quilt shops in Oregon this weekend while I am visiting my daughter in Springfield.

I am really thinking that I would like to make a Bug Jar or Food Jar Quilt!

Real ladybugs do not bite. Those orange ones are japanese (sorry can't spell) beetles. They bite, they were brought in to control a pest, and became an even bigger pest, imagine that. I am still trying to figure out how the conservation people get their job. Most do not know what they are doing and make things worse, like the wolf being brought back to MI, the wolf they brought back to MI was never in MI. Ok sorry off my soap box.
Ok, I saw this thread as soon as you posted it. And I've checked back several times, thinking the slots would be filled and I could just quit thinking about it! But, nooooo, every time, there's still room. So I just ordered the following:

So you can add me for one - or both - of these if they fit in.
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