I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

So you think you have all the strips???
So when do ya think you'll get'em sent out??? I sound impatient, I know.....because I am!!!!!
They are so pretty. Bright colors! I've already got an idea that I want to try with them. I'm not gonna tell until I see if it works out. I'm gonna start getting them ready to ship tomorrow.

If ya'll notice strange marks on the back of your envelopes it's because that's how I remember who gets what. I-2=2 I-spy squares, R-3=3 red strips
Ok gang. I'm waiting for one more package that was supposedly mailed on Wednesday. With the weather the way it's been, I'm giving it until this Wednesday. If it's not here, I'm shipping these out without it.

I've got everything sorted and ready to go except for the last square. You should have them by the weekend!
My girly and her friends have a friend that is moving in June, so we were talking of doing a memory quilt for her. Wonder if I can take my I-spy, and trade out a square for a memory square? What ya'll think????

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