I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

..and thank you for all the work you have put into this swap!!!

Hubby just got back from mailing thelast of the packages and had a story to tell me.

Remember he took packages and put them in the box at the post office?! Well............................ the post office put them in what they call the "Target" box. Supposedly it was supicious that all these packages had been put in the box at one time. They were afraid they were bombs of some kind.

They are now ALL on their way to their destinations.

I'm not sure if I want to keep doing this. These last 2 made me bonkers ok more bonkers

ETA--post office has suggested that those interested in swapping get some of the flat rate envelopes and boxes. Said it would be much cheaper than sending these the way some where sent. Most would have cost under $5
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That's mildly funny. I don't know if you remember but I put my Red and White swap strips in gallon zip lock bags. I learned from the post office last year that if I didn't make holes in the tightly sealed plastic bag that they can sometime "POP" open while being transported by plane and scared the crew very badly. How's a quilter suppose to remember all this stuff????

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