I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

#1California Chick :

You are right! AND she lives out in the desert!! I live 30 minutes from the San Francisco Airport! Why didn't mine come today????? NOT FAIR!!!


Long and short, anything within a state or so'll go ground, which can be 3 days. Also one thing they don't tell you is that your postal carrier can choose to NOT take a package for a few days if thier route is heavy (some will abuse this option and make thier sub take them all). Since mine was in a priority box (same as I sent it out) it has to move as fast as they can.

And I send enchladas to the post office pot lucks.​
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CM, got mine today too! Thank you for doing all the hard work on this swap. DGS & DGD both wanted to know if that was their "blankets" in the package. Looks like these blocks will get used before the ones from the last swap I did.
Blossom Hen, I was thinking the same thing. My DGC are too young to "get it", so they will be getting them to appreciate later. I like the idea of the jars on a shelf with escaping bugs and also the idea of the magnifying glass. I was looking for round containers to draft out a glueable applique. I'm hooked on this modern method of fast construction. Oh, what fun!

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