I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

SewingCa...that is so cool and BOY ARE YOU FAST!! I love how the around the glass part is thick...that was the one thing I didn't like about the other pattern (how it was just stitched around...too thin!) Great Work!!

Mine arrived today!!

Although it was interesting...there was a a "SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ONLY" sticker on it and another one stating:
"We regreat that your mail was not collected or is being returned to you due to heightened security requirements...."etc etc about how anything weighing more than 13 ounces must be taken directly to the post office. I guess it's good my return label had my address as the TO and the FROM. I wonder if this is why some others are delayed?

The fabric is beautiful and I can't wait to start a quilt for my newest niece or nephew...THANK YOU to everyone! Especially one GREAT organizer!
Thanks for the compliment, Welman. I'll tell why I'm so fast. I have Fridays off with my grandchillen - after lunch they both take a nap with Grandpa and I get to play. The house does not get picked up, the dishes stay in the sink, I turn the TV to my program and enjoy an hour and a half of time to myself! When they all wake up, I'm back to enjoying all three of them. By the way, my 3 year-old DGD has her own rake. She and I stir the chicken litter each Friday. She loves humming to herself and making the floor bare (I follow behind her and put the litter back).
NOTHING today!! I told you that I would probably be last!!! Goldenluver is on the West Coast too, in a little (VERY beautiful!!) town!!!

The rest of you will have your quilt tops finished before I even get my squares and strips!!!

I've got to finish my chickens and spring blocks before I can get started on mine. BUT I've already got my plans ready. One set is going to be Hot Air Balloons. The 2nd set will be Balloons tied to a string coming from a hand of a clown. You will only see the clown's face looking up from down below. The 3rd.........I have no idea. All of them will got to K.A.R.E. up in Waynesville. They help kids in the mountains that deal with tramatic sitiations. Kind of like Project Linus.

Have any of ya'll ever had Project Linus reject your quilts because it wasn't 100% cotton?
Now that's just not right! I don't even have mine yet, and you have a quilt made!

Really .... very very nice! I like it! You have convinced me!

I know!!!! Just rub in in like salt in a wound
I sure hope mine and my neighbors comes today.....if not I guess it will just be a lost cause, or package should I say

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