I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Goldenlover - wow!
That's beautiful. I'm thinking of taking my squares to school and using for the first project in the Teaching Through Traditions group. But then part of me really wants to do it myself here and try and learn from it.
just remember, I stay home and take care of my disabled mother. lots of time on my hands, and not much money to do anything else. sewing keeps me busy, but then so does the new puppy.
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I'm in a similar spot. Our Evan has 4 dr's appointments a week, each one a 3hr round trip. Being his mother is a full time commitment, and while I'm so glad he's here, it won't let up untill he goes to college. Sewing is about the only thing I can control now.
that one is going to be the baby blanket.
you can't tell by the pictures, but it is a nice spring yellow and forest green, and since I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet I thought this would be good.

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