I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Still none here
Oh yeah, My hubby drooped all the packages one night in the night box. They were all put in the "containment" area. Priority packages have to be given to a postal person to be mailed. Who knew?! Hubby was back there the next day and had gotten everything straightened out. Or so we thought.

I'll have him go check again tomorrow to see if any got missed.
I split mine into 3 groups:

Warm shades
Pinks & purples
Blues & greens

Each group will make 1 quilt top for project linus once sashing is added in. (I use a 2 inch sashing and double borders).
Is it working?

NO!!! I am more anxious, now. The weather is yucky and I want to do something other than clean. I don't sit idle well. But thanks for asking.

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