I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Damummis....where exactly are you located? I don't understand why you and Kathy haven't gotten yours yet.
Not really sure wha tto tell you but I know that Ginger in PA and someone in Florida got theirs a couple days before me and I am only about 4 hours from Coyote. Just hang in their. Maybe have your mail carrier check in the back of their car, its been known for mail to get lost in there. had a house payment sitting in the back of our mail carriers car for a week and a half, I almost blew a fuse.
I have a PO Box, so I don't think I can blame it on the letter carrier. There is no snow on the ground, so I can't blame it on that. I don't know, maybe some post office workers wife is making a nice quilt for herself.
I had my address in both spots. Sender and receiver. Who knows.................
I do have to say IF I don't get them I probably won't do another swap. I had three sets of squares coming and that may not be a lot of $$$ for some but I am on a tight budget. I hold no one at fault except the postal system.
Yours was in a Prioity Mail Envelope. I remember because I had to nearly set on it to get it closed!! I don't understand why some have gotten them and some haven't.

Marlin said he got his on Friday or Sat. He is is Maryland, it shouldn't have taken that long!

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