I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

Did you get yours???

Maybe your fabric is with mine in the BIG fabric explosion.
I checked with the ladies at the post office today. None of them have been sent back to them and they don't have any in the "containment" area. I hope ya'll get them soon. Please let me know if you don't and I'll see what I can do.
kathy.....so glad you got your blocks
....sorry the package was torn up but maybe it got hung up int he machine and Dammumis' was right behind it. Either that or the DOG sniffer thought there was something in the package. :dunno
You may be on to something there

I just wonder what it could have been....................

Nah, not eating anything. Pulling out my hair, yes!!. Ya'll should have seen me sorting out these blocks. Did you notice that your packages had numbers on them?! That's the only way I could remember who go how many blocks of each. Trust me I was googly-eyed by the time I was done.

And then I had to do a mountain of red/white strips afterwards!!

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