I-Spy Fabric Square Swap----Sign-up Deadline--December 31st

You should see the package. Big security sticker on it. Ground transportaion only. Return to sender. The whole nine. And why? Because it is over 13 ounces and had stamps on it. If it had been brought to the PO it would have been OK, but it was dropped in a box so...................

Glad to have them, and thanks everyone for you kindness.
Well......................I took a few packages to the post office the other day. The Post Master looked at me when she saw my DH (tall dark and gruesome is hard to forget) and said, "Peppertree Drive?" I was like, what?, am I on your watch list or something??!! She laughed and told me to remember to bring them IN to the counter next time.
This might be a long shot, but Damummis' lives on the coast. There were several high security location along the Maine Coast that are left over from the Cold War days. Most of the locations have been decommissioned but one never knows. We used to have several locations that were "over the horizon" watch stations for incoming missiles, the last one I know about was closed down less than 7 years ago.
This might be a long shot, but Damummis' lives on the coast. There were several high security location along the Maine Coast that are left over from the Cold War days. Most of the locations have been decommissioned but one never knows. We used to have several locations that were "over the horizon" watch stations for incoming missiles, the last one I know about was closed down less than 7 years ago.

Who knows????? I did sent something from here to Australia priority 3 weeks ago and they still haven't gotten it. I think the mail system is going downhill FAST!

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