Solved I spy something new!

Last edited:
Thankfully the server is beefy enough to handle both the additional trophy criteria and similar threads, as they can both be quite resource intensive. Before the add-on was fixed, I was worried that the server wasn't simply able to handle the additional queries, but I'm glad that wasn't the issue.
One thing that has not been fixed, is the "Search This Conversation" feature. When i try to use it, it just searches all of BYC, not the conversation :(
See this dropdown?
Thankfully the server is beefy enough to handle both the additional trophy criteria and similar threads, as they can both be quite resource intensive. Before the add-on was fixed, I was worried that the server wasn't simply able to handle the additional queries, but I'm glad that wasn't the issue.

See this dropdown?
View attachment 2516685
when you select "search this conversation" it searches all of BYC not the conversation

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