I swear I bought different chickens #2 (continued)

i can tell you from having a lot of them my self, the black ones are barred rocks. the first two look like RIR but could be NH reds and the other ones look like buff orphingtons to me. i had a lot of these breeds last year when i was selling babies.
first two are definitely RIRs, the second two i have no idea, the third set i think is barred rock and the last two buff orpington....im positive of the RIRs tho...
hmmm their legs aren't that red and to be honest with you they didnt look like that.
(sad face)

I mean i love them all but wow this is really messed up! Someone mentioned the last one may be buff rock?
I have no clue.

as for the comets, that sounds right i have light and dark but they all looked the same when they were small... the first 2 pics are really feathering fast.
also it doesnt look like those bottom two have feathering on the feet...so i dont think theyre brahmas like someone else had mentioned
but the second set of two are looking more like sexlinks to me now too.

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