I Swear I do not own an Ostrich........

My girls have been laying double yolkers - think they are golden comets - they are huge - make me hurt looking at em - but they make a heck of an egg muffin in the morning... yummmmmm!
Anybody know how to scrub that image from my mind???

You might start measuring them! The world record is in china right now. You can google it.

Good Luck and God Bless! Bless the chicken too! LOL
How big is a golden comet??? It sounds like a small bird. With an egg that size it couldn't be. Are they average size birds? Duh, I could google it..... lol
Don't be fooled, I was doing chores for a neighbor this summer and their California Whites are not all that big and they lay HUGE eggs in comparison to their body size.

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