I think I heard a chirp, but no pip?

I figure it was just that the egg was sitting funny after me turning it and it just fell flatter onto the wire. But I can hope? I am so excited. I will be at work of course. So I will have to wait all day to see if anything happens. I may have to take a couple of breaks to see what is going on. It is hard to do that but I probably will have to. I have to get some sponges in there to get the humidity up tonight. Other than that, I guess I am good to go. Have to get the brooder set up now. I can't wait to see what else you get.

Okay you all are not going to believe what happened. I went to pick up my three year old from daycare. Got back home and the garage door would not go back up. The power had went out. Well, to make the story worse, we have chain locks on all the doors to make sure that our three year old can not get out because he messes with the doors. We are supposed to unlock at least one when we leave the house because the garage doors opener is electric and that will ensure that we can get back in. Anywho, I was locked out for two hours because my spouse had a key to the basement door and I didnt. Well I got into the house around 7 and the incubator had cooled of course to room temperature about 75 degrees. The humidity was up around 90. I was sure I had lost all my eggs. I still noticed them moving in the pipped eggs. While waiting for my spouse to come home I went to Radio Shack and purchased an AC adapter that would plug into my car. So that worked, the power just came back on, but my temp was off from 5 until about 7. The eggs are still being pipped and they are moving too. One has been pipping for what seems like ever. It is still alive. Should I provide any help or continue to let nature take its course. I hope all goes well. Any thoughts and or ideas would be helpful.

Yeah I bought a medium size reptile tank,a heat lamp,a thermometer on 98.7 F to 101.0 F and a hydrometer that is on 60 with a bowl of water and 5 muscovy duck eggs.A brown shirt under the eggs,.turn the eggs every 3 hours but at night I turn them at 11:00 PM and then I turn them at 6:30 AM and at 7:10 then I go to school turn themat 3:00 PM and so forth every 2 hours until 11:00 again.I have a thin black shirt over the top to keep in humidity.I havent seen any progress and its been 2 days.Should I be worried?
and another one. I have added pictures of the four that hatched this morning and the two that just hatched.



Well I woke up this morning. I have seven chicks in the bator and four still in the brooder. Any ideas on what kind of chicks they are. Let me know. I have one getting ready to hatch.





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