I think I might have an impacted wisdom tooth? :(

I tried to pull my own tooth out with vice-grips once. That is how bad it hurt. It was middle of the night. I cracked the tooth and relieved the pain. The next day I went to the dentist and he finished what I started.
I know you are all shaking your heads right now...but I had to do domething and advil wouldn't cut it.

I need to have my 4 wisdom teeth removed. You are my inspiration to do it before they become very bad.
I had two wisdom teeth out a few years back and it really wasn't so bad at all. The first and second day I had a little bit of pain, but the pain meds helped a lot and on the third day I was ready to start riding horses again! Of course I wasn't allowed to because you have to stay relatively calm to prevent bleeding of the incision site. So I had a good excuse to relax for a week and when I went back to the dentist my mouth was almost all the way healed.

I hope you have the same experience I did! It really wasn't bad at all.

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