I think I'm gonna do it!!


8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
Engadine, MI
I got the itch! I just started the bator and will be setting some eggs tomorrow. Nothing special just whatever my girls give me today and tomorrow. POlish, Cochin Bantam, and mutts
. Gotta doe something to beat the winter blues
I'm doing the same thing!!! Tomorrow, I'm going to set about 10 eggs or more!! My incubator holds about 48 eggs so I still have a ways to go! I hope all goes well for you!
I have got the itch too. I am in the process of making a homemade incubator out of an old fish tank. If all goes well my bator should be finished tomorrow and I will let it run as a test to see how well it holds the temp and humidity. Since I have 6 hens right now and I shouldn't really hatch anymore for myself, I think I am going to advertise my hatching services. I am definitaly not doing this for profit. I am only doing it to get rid of the itch.
Well, I meant that when and if those chicks hatch in my incubator... I have to sell them... not my laying hens...
I wish I could hatch
I would get killed though or at least seriously maimed if I tried brooding chicks in the house this year and its far too cold out this year to do it outside...a whopping 6 degrees today...
Whoo hoo on hatching..... Do it!!!!! and hey I got eggs anytime you need them............Somebody's hatching.....Yahoo!!! Oh btw, they call me the egg pusher!

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