I think it's a turkey, but either way need advice please

have fun with that little one lol he is kinda cute in his own way
Maybe his one eye is stuck because of an infection, you could try gently wiping it with a cotton ball dipped in warm water. If it's the tiniest bit open you could put some eye ointment in it from the drug store. Maybe the mama pecked him there and injured him. I don't think he is ughly at all - just had a rough start. Geez, have you ever seen movie starlets without their makeup? They look frumpty and plain .
It peeps, it scoots and it poops:)
I've dipped it in water a few times, and it spazzes out but does drink a few drops. it responds to my voice and sounds.
I've been calling it Fugly...my 22 year old daughter says "Remember the ugly duckling. mom. You see how it turned out." I said uh huh....not a chance here. It reminds me of a Black Spanish Turkey in markings just a brownish red....but no clue where that would come from.

When I am fully awake, I'll check it's eye again. But it still has the bald spot, not bloody now, just really pink. What kin of eye ointment should I get?
Maybe some polysporin-eye drops? I've used it on everyone from myself, a newborn baby to a puppy with an eye infection. It's awesome!

No new babies you can befriend Fugly with yet hey?

As for his looks, I certainly didn't get turkeys because I ever considered them a beautiful bird,
, but I DO enjoy them the most now cause they are so FUNNY! When I go out to do chores I have 6, 2 month old turkey-babes following me around the barnyard, peeping up a storm and acting like a litter of puppies.

Keep up the good work Crickett B
Well now I have TWO fuglies!!!! Another egg hatched a few moments ago.

Fugly #1 is drinking all by itself now. Thought I had lost it this afternoon, but I just kept dipping it's beak in the lid that has water in it. Since then, it sure has improved greatly. The eye opened on its own too, so I know Pearl did not peck it out, like I had been worried about. It is still bald on the back side, but all that bleeding it was doing stopped, and its pink now. Little bugger sure is getting vocal, and moving alot more

Fugly #2 is in the basket with the first one, it has not stopped scooting around, but it's still wet too.

I still can not figure out why they don't look like either of the parents. (as chicks). Nor why they don't look like the last ones that hatched out and lived for a few days (from a previous batch) That really has me stumped.

I just hope that these 2 make it to adult hood.
One more turkey egg left, but now the chicken eggs are hatching! Just went to check on Pearl and there was a baby chick! So now I have a baby one, to "teach" the Fuglies

But Fugly 1 is having some sort of spazz attacks, I keep finding it on its back with its feet in the air.
So I pick it up, give it water and then it drinks on its own and appears to be fine for a while, then the process starts all over again. I don't think I have had more than 3 hours sleep a night since it was hatched.
Good Grief! Turkey Temper Tantrum perhaps? haha

Now that they have a chick to lead them I'm sure everyone will be fine! Maybe you'll have a few more by the end of the day...and you'll be back to a goodnights sleep in no time!

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