I think mites killed my chickens- now what?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Boondocks, Colorado
I just had two hens found dead this morning in the coop. They diddnt seem to be sick or anything, but I havent been getting any eggs. One had raggedy feathers, she had been the roos favorite. But the other one seemed fine. They are molting, which I attributed the lack of eggs too.

However, when I picked them up, my hand was suddenly covered with tiny tiny bugs. Literaly, thousands of them. Looking at pictures, I am pretty sure they are mites. I just cant believe I diddnt suspect something, they all seem so healthy!

So I am going to clean the coop and dust everything down. Would the mites kill them? I never have dusted them, they are free range and dust-bathe constantly. Is there anything else I should do?
Well, it makes me feel better that it doesnt take long because I had NO IDEA anything was wrong. Is there any supplement or something I should give the others to help keep their iron and stuff up?
I think it is a combination of factors that kill them. Usually they get sick and have mites. In a weakened state, they cant fight off the mite infestation. The "favorite" hens also are more stressed because they are more wore out. My uncle noticed members of my flock looked ill. I dewormed, used antibiotic and powdered them. I was fortunate to lose only one. I think they had both worms and mites. Hope you dont lose anymore.

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