I think my chick has Coccidiosis How to treat?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 9, 2011
Sarasota, Florida
I brought home an 11 week cochin yesterday. Late last night my daughter said it pooped blood. This morning I checked on the chick. 2 bloody poops and a couple softer but more normal looking poops. At this point, she is acting normal, chirping, eating, drinking, and moving around. I watched a video on Youtube about chicks with Coccidiosis :( I don't want to take her back where I got her as I don't think they have healthy chicks and I really don't want to expose myself to their property again. The chick has been in quarantine in the house away from my other chicks. All my birds are on medicated chick food, but I don't know what this chick was eating before I got her. I am also giving her Pedialyte.

I noticed that her crop isn't full of food and feels soft like there is a little jello in it. What should I give her and how much? I hope it's a liquid or powder as I just can't bring myself to give shots.

I just took this pic a few minutes ago and is now the 3rd bloody poop. This one is not as bloody as the other ones where.

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I use sumlet. Give the bird some sumlet as soon as possible. When you see poop in the blood and it is cocci, you do not have very long before the bird dies, usually within 24-38 hours. Follow the directions on the bottle of liquid it comes in. I use a quart sized plastic waterer and 1/2 ounce of sumlet for 2-3 days.
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If you cant find Sulmet get Corid. Its marked for cattle but you can use it for chickens. I used .5 ml per gal of water for 5 days. Since you are seeing bloody poo it is very improtant that you start right away. Like the previous poster wrote she may not have a lot of time left.
Thank you for the replies. I called the breeder I got her from and he said all their babies are on medicated feed and that she is probably stressed from bringing her home. So far today, she is still eating, drinking, and her poops are now looking normal. She is still a very chatty little baby but I am going to keep a very close eye on her. If I see any more blood in her stools, should I treat her as a preventative?
Thank you for the replies. I called the breeder I got her from and he said all their babies are on medicated feed and that she is probably stressed from bringing her home. So far today, she is still eating, drinking, and her poops are now looking normal. She is still a very chatty little baby but I am going to keep a very close eye on her. If I see any more blood in her stools, should I treat her as a preventative?

I highly recommend that you purchase corid 9.6% liquid solution and immediately treat her. It can be found in the cattle section at your feed store. Dosage is 9.5cc per gallon of water for 5 days. Make a fresh batch daily. Keep her quarantined. Corid treats all 9 types of cocci that chickens can get, sulmet only treats 2 types. Also there is a 10 day withdrawal period with sulmet, none with corid.
I highly recommend that you purchase corid 9.6% liquid solution and immediately treat her. It can be found in the cattle section at your feed store. Dosage is 9.5cc per gallon of water for 5 days. Make a fresh batch daily. Keep her quarantined. Corid treats all 9 types of cocci that chickens can get, sulmet only treats 2 types. Also there is a 10 day withdrawal period with sulmet, none with corid.

Thank you. I stumbled across this & hope it will help my chick. I do not know if is what she has but I am going to give it a try.

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