I think my chicken may have suffered a stroke - if not,what could it be?

I have a rooster that is about six months old one day he was fine the next day he was laying down in the yard with his foot in a fist and his leg was like it was paralyzed he can get around but the. Leg is flat on the ground foot to rlbow. I have him in the brooder so the other chickens won't pick on him. He tries to stand but it doesn't,t work I think it may be a stroke. He also will droop his wing on the same side but can bring it up and his leg is very hot.
Does this sound like a stroke?
Just reading your discussions on the possible stroke, poisoning or Mereks disease in one of your girls. We gave a similar situation. There's not been any poisons pot out, but Lily went blind a few months ago, sometime after a mink attack took most of our girls :(. We have had her in a cat cage in the house and take her with me to the garden, etc. Big question is today she looked like she was having a seizure. Her eyes were jumping all over, her heart was racing and now she can't stand on her right side and she seems to have a fever. At least she's very warm! ANY IDEAS??

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