I think my chicks hate wet food....


May 7, 2015
I'm trying to get them to eat all the powder and fine stuff left (using milled feed) by mixing it with water, and they won't eat it :-( What is going on? I thought they loved wet food?
How much water are you mixing the feed with - getting at whether you are offering a soupy mix or something closer to a really thick oatmeal? Are you offering it fresh or allowing it to set (and possibly spoil) first? Are you attempting just dampened food or are you attempting fermented feed?
How much water are you mixing the feed with - getting at whether you are offering a soupy mix or something closer to a really thick oatmeal? Are you offering it fresh or allowing it to set (and possibly spoil) first? Are you attempting just dampened food or are you attempting fermented feed?
I'm adding water until it's the consistency of thick oatmeal. Not attempting to ferment, just taking the powdery stuff left at the bottom of the feeder and trying to wet it to the point where they can eat it. Should I be making it soupy, like for them to almost drink it? I don't even want to attempt fermenting unless they are actually going to eat it. I don't want to waste even more feed :-(
How long have you been offering it wet? In my experience, chickens don't hate wet food, but they do hate change. You've changed something and will have to hope one of them will be brave enough to test it out. When I first started fermenting, mine wouldn't touch it for a while, but eventually one tried it and then they all gobbled it down. Try making a little pile of dry on top of the wet stuff, they should eat the dry and some of the wet too. I'd leave it at the consistency you've already got :)
Make some watery instant oatmeal (the no flavor kind), mix it with your residual feed powder or feed.
Optional: also mix in some chopped veggies or scrambled eggs.

In hot summer, witch out oatmeal with plain yogurt. Works for my chickens.

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