I think my duck has toxoplasmosis. Do I have to KILL everything?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
1832 MC 4008
think my duckling has toxoplasmosis. Do I have to KILL all my chickens and ducks and quail? I have took it to my in-laws house since it got sick (before i thought it was toxoplasmosis). They have 100+ chickens. I also had it at my granny's house; SHE has 100+ chickens too. They have goats and cows and pidgeons and dogs and cats and guinea fowl and bunnies and more. Do they have to get rid of them too? It is supposed to be transmitted through fecal matter, urine, drinking, and eating. DOES ANYONE KNOW ABOUT THIS? P.S. This is the second one with these symptoms. the first one died.
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I have only just now done some reading about toxoplasmosis.

My first thought is wondering if you are really sure that is what she has. Have you had her tested?

If she is having all the symptoms i read about, i hope you have her quarantined. The oocysts that causes toxoplasmosis can only multiply in the intestines of cats, from what i read. I would expect that her housing area could be disinfected by the procedure that is recommended, and then it seems unlikely that it spread.

My point here is to make sure this is what she has and then go forward. It seems unlikely.

Would you like to share her symptoms on a thread and maybe get some opinions about what else it might be?
Symptoms are:

tremmors/uncontrolable shaking (like when you dont eat for a long time or when you have too much cafiene)
Unable to move her legs to stand, walk, sit still, swim or balance
obvious weight difference from her siblings (she is about 25% smaller and very bony)
When she COULD walk, she was stumbling and falling over herself for about a day (when we figured something was wrong)
Her poo is white like chalk but her diarhea went away this morning

She IS away from ALL other animals right now. I have her inside the house. The problem is... I dont know if any of our other animals have it. If so, what do we do then? What site did you go to? I havnt read anything about how to disinfect. BTW my birds are ALL FREE RANGE except my quail! I have NOT yet taken the bird to the vet.

Yes i would like other input, and i would like a thread. ANYTHING helps. I went to http://www.poultryhub.org/index.php/List_of_avian_diseases and read about EVERY single disease on there and their symptoms. it took about 3 hours strait.

P.S. Will she ever walk again?
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Any subject who has toxoplasmosis should be put down. I'm sorry.

It may also be Marek's; it's hard to say. But either way, she should be put down.

Here is the link where i learned about disinfection. If i were you, i would call your state ag extension or an avian vet to get some specific instructions and possibly a blood test to determine what is really wrong for sure.


It is possible that there are state laws as to what to do when this disease is found. A professional might also be able to tell you whether she could have spread it. The information i read seemed to indicate that the spreading happens when another animal eats the poop of an infected CAT. So it may not spread from eating the poop of an infected duck.
With so many other birds involved

you really need to get the duck to a vet or animal tech

They will know for positive what you should do

There are too many other birds exposed for you not to take this action

I am sure your family would like to know for positive what their animals have been exposed to and maybe to add precautions

Good luck hope all goes well for you
I do plan to take it to the vet. I do know it needs to be put down. My fiance will do it because I CANT! I think it had it before i got it. The reason i think this is because when its sibling was sick, before it died, it had never been exposed to my yard or any other area of my outside. I got them from an amish/menninite family.
I havent had the experience yet of having to put any of my chicken down
I am sorry to hear that is the end result
Be thankful your other animals havent been exposed
I am sorry for your loss
ok, so this morning she looked worse than ever before. I moved her around to try and get her comfortable, but she was just getting worse. I took her outside by our burn pile and shot her. I am a VERY good shot so it was really quick and she didnt suffer at all. After she was dead, I burned the remains. I had to keep the fire very hot because if it was toxoplasmosis, it could still be transmitted. When the fire went out, I buried her very deep to further protect my other animals. After it was all said and done, I felt better. I'm not saying I felt good about shooting her, but I felt so much better after I did. I knew that she was with God and I knew she wasnt suffering anymore. It was such a huge weight lifted off my heart to know all my other animals were no longer at risk. When I thought of how horrible it would be, to have to shoot each and every animal I have, the thought of killing this one duck for the greater good of hundreds others was'nt so bad. It reminded me of Jesus. It reminded me of suffering so bad and having to sacrafice one life for the lives of everyone else. Now I know not to get animals from anyone other than a hatchery. I NEVER want to go throught this again.

I would NEVER wish this upon anyone and I hope you never have to do what I have done.

I didnt get a chance to take her to the vet because her appointment was for next week. But I did talk to her vet and she said that Toxoplasmosis is EXTREMELY uncommon around here (about 1 reported case a year in this area). So, I used my best judgement in this case. If another animal gets sick. Ill take it in RIGHT AWAY; but she said it was not likely to be the disease.
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You did what was right for everyone
You didn't have any other choice she is in peace now
You are blessed with strength and you know when to use it

Hopefully this will be a memory that will never be repeated

Wishing you all the best now and in the future

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