I think my Neighbour ate fertile eggs that had been sat on by a broody hen


Jun 23, 2019
Hi All

Our Rhode Island Red goes broody each year and for the past 3 years, we have had to try really hard to break the cycle. Well fast forward to this year and when she went broody, we purchased some (what we hoped were) fertilised eggs. We werent given much confidence that they were fertilised as the barn we bought them from said they had had complaints in the past for all being no showers (long story short: we couldnt find any local small holders so had to go to a Farm shop)

Anyway our RIR was on day 10 of sitting on the eggs, and we went away for the weekend. Our neighbour (who looks after them while we are away) unknowingly took a couple of the (potentially) fertilised away to eat. I had forgotten to tell her they were fertilised eggs and there was no way of her knowing any different.

We're now on day 23 and one of the remaining eggs has just hatched into a beautiful chick, so my question is:

Would my neighbour have known that the eggs were fertile when she cracked them open? (assuming she ate them on the 10th day)

Ive looked at pics on google, but they only show candelling, not cracked. Basically, I just want to know if Ive scared her off eggs for life or not.


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