I think one of my Barred Plymouth Rocks is a cockerel!


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
I'm new at this, but think one of my 3 Barred Rock chicks I bought as a pullet is actually a cockerel. She (he?) is noticably larger than the other two, is lighter colored (more of a silver than black), and has a large, splotchy head spot. Here are a couple of pictures:

I know I probably won't know for sure until the comb starts pinking up (or doesn't), but any thoughts would be appreciated!
Thanks for your reply! I guess time will tell
I'm thinking its a boy too, based on size, but I'd still wait a couple of weeks, because every chick is different. You might just have a female Godzilla :p
Those indicators usually mean rooster, but hatchery stock come from different lines and are notorious for having different growth rates and not following the young chick gender id rules.

Watch and wait. The comb is still small and yellow. That is usually the first indicator and most telling.

Lady of McCamley
I'm new at this, but think one of my 3 Barred Rock chicks I bought as a pullet is actually a cockerel. She (he?) is noticably larger than the other two, is lighter colored (more of a silver than black), and has a large, splotchy head spot. Here are a couple of pictures:

I know I probably won't know for sure until the comb starts pinking up (or doesn't), but any thoughts would be appreciated!

I have the same issue/question with my BPR.
She is larger, has started jumping on the backs of the other six chicks ???
Spot on head .
Any other ways to tell other than waiting for large comb and crowing ???
Don't want a rooster !
If it's hatchery stock, don't go by the head spot... My BR had a large head spot, she was/is bigger than my others, and was the first to fly... I swore she was a Roo but she is def a Hen .. She's also my sweetest one...
Its too young to tell for sure. I'd post some more photos in a few weeks when it is more feathered in; by then, we should be able to tell its gender better.

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