I think that I'm going to call it quits on the quail !!

Hey Cammie! I ordered some TX eggs from mamawolf too..Wanted to give them a try! Thanks!
Yvonne, I'd "eat em' down" to a managable number too. that seems like a lot of birds to monitor!

She is a sweetheart! I had 25 of them hatch and I got half hens and half roos. They start laying early too. They start crowing early too, so you'll be able to separate them. I didn't realize that noise was the crow or I would have separated mine a long time ago.

Nice birds, strong and healthy!
No biggie, don't like to see honest folks get into a hastle over something trivial like that. Ever since last summer's "GREAT SNAKE ROUND UP" Fish and Game has been on the warpath here. I know a few folks with lotsa trouble over harmless stuff all related to birds. I think it's a lil overkill to say the least, but then again if i were king for a day......... he he
No the gestapo has me on the "HIT LIST" ---- If I don't stop typing in all caps I will be banned. In the esence of political correctness I'll stop with that! (So much for a warm and friendly environment to all huh?)
well gee whiz that's how I picked ya out of a crowd..
Great Snake Round Up? Wasn't that where people went into the everglades to hunt invasive pet snakes that were turned loose or had escaped captivity? Betcha you were in on that one..
Sorry, thread hijack..*runs away*

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