I think these two are Roos..WDYT? Pics too..


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
Ok; I was trying to figure out the comb thing...now...
most of mine at 5 days old do NOT have a pronounced comb thing (right..the top of the head thing?)

but these two; I can see definite "combage" compared to the others..

The one on the right is a roo?? & are these BR or BA?


They were just so darn tired afterwards:


Turkens: The one on the right a roo??


and a stink eye for photo taking lol:

opk; wasnt sure about the comb-sex-id thing..how early etc..

:) going to check the spots now..but umm..they are mixed up in the brooder lol
\\Your rocks look like girls. You will be able to sex the rest at about 4-8 weeks old. The comb and wattles on roosters will be majorly growing and getting red at this time. A little bit of pink I've found is OK and doesn't necessarily mean rooster. I must have suspected every single chick I've ever had of being a rooster at some point in their development.

The combs will be bigger in larger combed breeds, so my white leghorn chicks had huge combs (for a chick) and were female, but the wyandottes with a rose comb had no visible comb.

Let me see if I can find some pictures...

6 week old leghorns, both girls. Notice the combs are big, but not red.

3 week old wyandotte, female. Notice the wattles have a slight hint of pink but no comb development.

Here's a rooster at about 4 weeks. Notice the face has gotten red and the comb is growing.

Here they are at 8 weeks, notice the red on the roosters face compared with the turken next to it (girl):

Here's another 8 week old roo, the comb is big, the wattles are growing and the face is red:
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