I thought I had a good roo.....


6 Years
Jun 17, 2018
Upstate NY
My EE roo has been great. Until today. He attacked my wife drawing blood in a couple spots. I grabbed him by the legs and placed him on his back. He didn't much care for that fought me hard. Finally pinned him down and he calmed down after a few minutes. As soon as I released him, he launched himself at me. Over the next couple hrs, he attacked my dogs, which were like WTH is that about. Every time I walked out back he would come running at me and challenge me. Had high hopes for him. He crowed his last crow, and is now in freezer camp.

So now I'm wondering if I should try again. I like having a roo. Just don't know how difficult it is going to be introducing a new roo.
That, and be hands off. The cockerel that had no more handling than to check butt, won't come within 10 feet of people.
Had this guy from about 6 months of age. He "was" around 1.5 or slightly older as of today.
I never gave him a look or anything. Would walk right by him at 3' and he didn't care, again not paying him one bit of attention. I don't hold my chickens. They are kinda pets, but the look don't touch kind of pets. All three dogs could walk past him and his gals and he didn't care. Wife could walk around the yard and he wouldn't care. Until today.. he got brave and defensive. It was truly like a light switch.
Had this guy from about 6 months of age. He "was" around 1.5 or slightly older as of today.
I never gave him a look or anything. Would walk right by him at 3' and he didn't care, again not paying him one bit of attention. I don't hold my chickens. They are kinda pets, but the look don't touch kind of pets. All three dogs could walk past him and his gals and he didn't care. Wife could walk around the yard and he wouldn't care. Until today.. he got brave and defensive. It was truly like a light switch.
Odd that the rage would come out at that age.
I had one like that, I thought he was the best cockerel I've ever had, totally chill. Then one day out of nowhere flew up and tried to spur me in the face. After that, as you say, it was like a switch was flipped and he was a holy terror. I think some of them just stew and bide their time while they are working up the nerve to carry out their dastardly deeds.

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