I tried to give my broody 1 week old chicks......


6 Years
Jun 14, 2013
LaFargeville NY
Last night I slipped 3 (1 week old) chicks under a hen that's been broody for at least a couple weeks. I went out to check on them this morning and found 2 of them outside the box and 1 happily adopted by another hen that has 2 (3 week old) chicks. I slipped the 2 back under the broody, but she isn't talking to them or really showing any interest for that matter. I'm wondering how long to wait before I take them back? Obviously they need to eat and drink.
If they were outside the box and she's showing no interest, she's not adopting those babies.

Yup. When I went back out, 1 chick had been pecked on the head and was unconscious and the other was nowhere to be found. After a couple hours of searching I finally found it out in the yard. Both are now back in the brooder and the broody is locked out of the coop today in hopes of being "broke".
On a much happier note, the third chick is still happily running around with the other broody with the older chicks. I'm not quite sure how they ended up together....but as long as everyone is happy I'll let them be!

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